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Why Web Wins

Why (almost) no one is building new native software for your beloved desktop platform.

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Intro to SharedWorker and WebSockets

Build your multi-window, multiplayer web app with SharedWorker and WebSockets

How to get rich Dart/Flutter code blocks in your blog

This blog post won't teach you how to be rich in money but it will teach you how to be rich in your live Flutter demos, and isn't that really what counts after all?

HOW-TO: Serve Angular Universal with an existing Express server

Want to add SSR to your Angular app without adding a new server to your stack? This post will explain how you can do that!

Anatomy of a Malicious JavaScript File

I recieved a file called presentation.js, needless to say it wasn't a presentation. Read on to learn about my journey to discover what mischief this file was attempting to get up to.

Chapter 5: Using an Android App to create a "Nap Detector" - Part 2

Learn about using BroadcastReceivers and Alarms in Android to perform repeated tasks.

Simple Hardware Hacking: Auto "On Air" VC Indicator - Chapter 4

Create an Android App that will detect whether you are napping and let others know not to disturb you.

Simple Hardware Hacking: Auto "On Air" VC Indicator - Chapter 3

In this post, we improve our Auto "On-Air" sign using a small Arduino-compatible device.

Simple Hardware Hacking: Auto "On Air" VC Indicator - Chapter 2

Making a Chrome extension to automatically detect when you start a Hangouts video call.

Simple Hardware Hacking: Auto "On Air" VC Indicator - Chapter 1

Automatically let the world know that you're on a video call.

Metadicision: How to Decide How to Decide

Things to keep in mind when you're considering how to make a decision.

Using RxMarbles to find the perfect Observable operator

How you can demystify Observable operators using the RxMarbles utility from Ben Lesh

Adding Apple Sign-In to an Angular SPA

Apple is adding their own version of Facebook or Google's sign-in button, here's how to add it to your Angular App.

Machine Learning: Side Note - Iteratively Improving our model

A behind the scenes look on the process of developing the model over the course of this series.

Machine Learning: Chapter 8 - Nonlinearity + Activation Functions

Improving the expressiveness of our model.

Using double buffering to get live updating math with MathJax

Using a technique from graphics programming to improve web-based rich math text fields.

Machine Learning: Chapter 7 - "Deep" Neural Networks and "Hidden layers"

We start to investigate what is meant by hidden layers and how they are used to create deep neural networks (DNNs).

Machine Learning: Chapter 6 - An enhanced demo

Taking our interactive demo to the next level.

Machine Learning: Chapter 5 - The Math of Gradient Descent

In this post we dig a bit more into the math of how Gradient Descent and Back Propagation

Why is it so hard to vertically align things with HTML and CSS?

Every developer's worst nightmare...

Machine Learning: Chapter 4 - Neural Networks

Now we're really getting into the thick of the buzz words... Let's unpack Neural Networks.

What is a fexpr?!

A look at some esoteric Programming Language abstractions.

Machine Learning: Chapter 3 - Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent, a powerhouse for optimizing Machine Learning models.

Using Angular Elements to create interactive blog posts on Squarespace

Sometimes Squarespaces' WYSIWYG editor can feel a bit restrictive, but Angular Elements provide a way to spice things up a bit.

Machine Learning: Chapter 1 - Introduction

Dipping a toe into machine learning starting from basic math.

3 things I learned from my biggest failure (so far!)

It's not all sunshine and rainbows.

How can I recover the data on my EC2 if I've lost the key?

Sometimes, everything just goes sideways.

What features of Toy Home do I want to emulate/change/remove?

I love you, Toy Home, You're Perfect, Now Change.

What's the deal with Kaggle?

Let's unpack what is the idea behind the new competitive data-science website.

Rigid Body Control of Blender Model in PS Suite?

In this post we're going to export a model out of Blender and see if we can import it into a PS Vida emulator.

How could I write a Semantic File System?

I don't feel like tree-based file systems are expressive enough! How do we go about building a better one?

How do you set the "Expires" HTTP header in PHP?

A tiny post on how to set the Expires header, or any other header for that matter, using PHP

Is there a way to view the assembly of a C# Program?

Let's get down into the nitty gritty of IL and the .NET framework.

How do I program using the .NET framework

Deja Vu! Upon reflection from my prior post, I aim to do a better job of describing the .NET framework.

How do I program using the .NET framework

From the outside observer, the .NET framework can be very mysterious. This post seeks to de-mystify some of those secrets.


A dedication to self-improvement through daily blogging.